Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Plot Busters Mission Statement

After reading such an over-the-top Welcome message, you're probably wondering what Movie Plot Busting is all about, and what you can expect to find here in the future if you choose to take the Red Pill?

In a nutshell, what you can expect to find is a (SPOILER ALERT: DO NOT READ THIS POST IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHO DID WHAT) warning message heading up each posting, because what follows will be a no nonsense, no holds barred, no punches pulled summary of the plot of a movie.

A Plot Buster is a summary of the plot of a movie that leaves no doubt about who did what to whom, and, if possible, why. The story will be cut back to the bone, for better or for worse.

The point of Plot Busting is not to tease the audience into buying tickets, or renting DVDs. It is to help the poor souls who handed over their hard earned cash, to understand what they've just paid to see.

Where movie reviewers fear to tread, Plot Busters will boldly go.