You may be wondering why anyone would want to attract the sort of abuse that some kill-joy standing up at the start of The Crying Game (1992) and shouting out, at the top of their voice, "The girl's a dude, man!" would do? (I was actually in a theatre once when just such a thing happened!)
I love movies. And the last thing I would want to do is spoil someone else's enjoyment of them.
I enjoy seeing movie trailers, reading movie reviews, seeing movies on both the big and small screens.
And I enjoy discussing movies with my friends afterwards, and seeing what Web forum contributors think about movies they've seen. And sometimes I'm inspired to contribute my own thoughts online.
Sometimes what people say about a movie is "I haven't a clue what was going on. It had me completely lost."
Unfortunately, very often when they admit this online, and ask for help, the responses that they receive are, "why don't you just look it up on the Net."
The problem with such advice is that almost exclusively what's available on the Net is derived from publicity material that was produced for the movie's release.
And of course, the problem with publicity material is that it doesn't tell the whole story. And, worst still, it has "very occasionally" been known to mislead the audience.
So if you weren't supposed to understand the movie by reading its publicity material beforehand, how can it possibly help you to understand the movie to read it afterwards?
I have occasionally been known to take pity on these innocent victims under such circumstances, and provide a short Plot Buster as best I can.
However, the more of these that I have produced, the harder it is to keep track of them. And in some cases so much scorn and vitriol is poured on the poor asker, that they have decided to delete their question, and my efforts are wasted.
So as much as anything this blog is somewhere safe for me to collect my forum contributions together, as and when I make them.
Please don't be too disappointed if you can't find your favourite movie Busted. It just means that no one else has failed to get it, yet. Or, at least, no one's prepared to admit that they didn't get it:)
So, Movie Plot Busting isn't supposed to help decide whether or not to see a certain movie. It's an autopsy performed after the event, so that you can understand what it was that you either enjoyed or didn't enjoy.
Without further ado, let's get on and Bust some Movies:)
(One very last note. I am dyslexic. So if you spot some mistakes, try to be kind:)